soft corner for terror?!
i am so fed up by our country's stand on terrorism!! get a threat an we step up the security or face a massacre-level event from the responsible terrorist organizations and we not only beef up security but also start the blame game. how the hell does it matter which brach of which oranization was the culprit?? also with the lack of action it is but apparent that most of our ploitical leaders are left with no consience for the people.. all they care about is whether or not they stay in power!! where the hell are we gonna get like this? we need to take a tronger stand. we need to send a clear message to Pakistan: one more toe out of the line and your capital and places we know are terrorist hubs are gonna be blown up. no exceptions. call it bloddy or violent or excessive but we really need to take some lessons from the usa and isreal on how to handle terrorism. its pretty simple: bomb them and screw the worlds' opinion.
also its high time the govt realised that we cant just keeping upgrading security when the need arises cause the war against terror is going to last for long years. we need to not only beef up the sec but keep it that way permanently. we need to make laws that make it easy to arrest all those suspected of terrorist activities. we need to completely integrate inida: as in equal laws for all indians of all states and religion. we cant treat J&K like a seperate unit. we need to make the laws governing it same for all indians not something like i have to be a kashimri to buy property there.
so basically higher ecurity levels all the time. attack pakistan and not as crude;y as i put it but something to that effect. im not saying go to war but ya if they attack so should we
also its high time the govt realised that we cant just keeping upgrading security when the need arises cause the war against terror is going to last for long years. we need to not only beef up the sec but keep it that way permanently. we need to make laws that make it easy to arrest all those suspected of terrorist activities. we need to completely integrate inida: as in equal laws for all indians of all states and religion. we cant treat J&K like a seperate unit. we need to make the laws governing it same for all indians not something like i have to be a kashimri to buy property there.
so basically higher ecurity levels all the time. attack pakistan and not as crude;y as i put it but something to that effect. im not saying go to war but ya if they attack so should we