Friday, July 07, 2006

new and crazy sections

new sections have been allotted
our futures are being plotted

everyones falling into depression
cause of the phsycological opression

friends have been scatteres
and our togetherness shattered

for section change people tried
upon failing some even cried

being stuck with freaks for 2 years
would drive anyone into tears

my stream and subjects i definitely like
but my class ppl i just wanna strike

this school is going mad
prescribing our furute on a paper wad

why cant we choose the ppl we wanna be with
instead of going thru this shit

bad company spreads like infectious pus
being with our firend wud just encourage us

on top our reps r freaky
not to mention sneaky

feeling like leaving this school
an joining a placw where students rule

this process is making me crazy
my minds going hazy

i just hope the new ppl are nice
cause my class is full of lice


Blogger Aayush Kumar said...

nice one... VERY VERY TRUE!!! unfortunately!! :(

7/08/2006 6:27 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

uh-huh.. umm this blog is kinda dying coz nobody s really posting or even commenting..

7/09/2006 6:12 PM  
Blogger Hemantika Verma said...

i dont mind da idea of bein in diff sec frm ur frenz...its a part of skool life yaar...
but i think they shud have ability sections...

7/10/2006 4:01 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

hey....pretty cool poem!!...really speaks it out as it is naa??... even im quite ok with the new sections stuff n all...but of crs...old is gold right??

8/01/2006 2:18 PM  
Blogger Tru said... depends on beginning to love my new class...heheheh...but nice poem though...heheheheh "lice"? lol

8/02/2006 6:48 PM  

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